Saturday, April 18, 2009

Nodal Axis and Lottery Wins-Bankruptcy Losses

I have been doing some astrology work on a lottory winner. This person won $200,000 in a widely played national lotto. The north node was conjuncted the natal Sun at the time of the win. The Leo Sun ruled the 5th house which also rules games of chance.

In this person's natal chart they had a nodal axis in the 2nd/8th house with the North Node in the 2nd.

What makes this interesting is when the South Node conjuncted the Sun some year's ago in this chart the person claimed bankruptcy. In fact started the proceedings the very day it was exact. How telling that a "past" gift from the 8th house South Node can also turn into the opposite.

Of course, there were many other factors at play in the chart at the time for both. But you can see how they are both side of the same coin!

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