Monday, September 21, 2009

Vice President Joseph Biden's Chart and Rise to Power?

As I look at the reported time and the chart cast for his time and place of birth, confidence is low that the time is correct. It has been report that is was a time uncertain and from memory. So rectification is needed to adjust the chart to align with what we know of Mr. Biden. I chose 7:10 A.M. as opposed to the 8:30 A.M. that has been reported for November 20, 1942. Could war time have caused confusion?

We know that Mr. Biden struggle with stuttering as a child with no Mercury retrograde we look to where Mercury is in the chart and we find that it is near the ascendant but in the 12th house in the reported time chart so I have moved it closer to the Ascendant and in the first house. As we do this we see that the North Node conjuncts the Mid-heaven in the 10th house at 29 Leo and on the fixed star of Regulus or the “royal star”. His family moved to Delaware when he was about 10 or 11 years old and we find from the rectified chart that when we progress the ascendant it conjuncts the Sun and Venus. So change in status is indicated and this certainly is a turning point for Mr. Biden he would later represent Delaware as a U.S. Senator.

We also see his marriage to his first wife would occur when the progressed descendant would have conjunct his natal Uranus and then subsequent death of his spouse when the descendant would have conjunct his natal Saturn (exactly partile on the day of the tragedy!) along with other factors of course. Saturn is beginning to conjunct the 8th house cusp this is very depressing. The transiting Moon is conjunct natal Uranus indicating shock and emotional disruption. Transiting Mars (potential violent tragedy) is also conjunct natal Mercury which rules the 8th house (death of others) of the rectified chart!

Since the rectified chart seems to work, can we find anything that would suggest Mr. Biden might be thrust into higher office in November? Around November 11th through 15th there are quite a few interesting thing occurring in his new chart. The first thing that stand out is transiting Saturn is conjunct his secondary progressed Moon and his natal Neptune at 1 Libra. Solar Arc Jupiter is on degree way at 2 Libra. All of these are in the 11th house. This combination could mean the call to duty to calm a disillusioned public and reassure U.S. Allies.

The above combination trines his secondary progressed Mercury which is inconjunct the midheaven. Clearly fast moving events cause a difficult adjustment in his public status. The transiting Sun will conjunct his natal Mercury around this time perhaps creating a signal for events to occur. We saw that Mercury was affected at the time of the death of his first wife and daughter by Mars to it is activated again in the chart. Secondary progressed Mercury trines natal Uranus. This is creating a grand trine indicating a sudden and fast moving change in identity.

November is clearly a time of fast moving intense achievement and change. Hopefully it is just a great personal time in his life and not one rooted in national tragedy.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Dangerous Time

Well summer has ended and Pluto has turned direct. Saturn and Uranus have gone to opposition and will return on and off until next year. Soon the beginning of Fall will arrive on the 22nd and we are in for a difficult time. I have been looking closely at President Obama's chart. Public rancor has increased and I have feared for Mr. Obama's safety. This leads me to examine his chart. Since we have an accurate birth time for him (contrary to what some might say) we can have some confidence in the forecast.

I see a grave threat building so caution and vigilance is needed for those who protect our president. Thankfully, we have the best protection service in the world in the U.S. Secret Service so I am hopeful any problem will be neutralized quickly and effectively.

But here is what I see developing in the chart: From November the 8th to November 21st, transiting Pluto will go opposite Mr. Obama's natal Venus with transiting Saturn squaring this opposition. His natal Venus rules his 4th House of endings and Pluto indicates transformation and forced change. Saturn rule his first house of the physical body and Saturn is transiting the 8th house of death. Saturn is also stressing the progressed Sun which rules the house open enemies the 7th. Furthermore Saturn is conjunct his progressed IC again endings are emphasized. The Nodes are active as well the North Node is active over Natal Saturn and Progressed Saturn along with the Natal North Node progressed to near partile conjunction with Natal Uranus. These suggest a time of personal destiny being fulfilled or what you were born to do. Mars will conjunct his natal Sun on November 11th and 12th these are critical days -- it suggests force or anger at this critical time. Could it be someone’s temper will boiled over to the point that they feel like they must act?

While I will not go as far as predicting the worse I will say caution is warranted. Of course this could also translate into a failure of Health Care Reform on a less critical level. Neither prospect seems favorable in November.

So can we glean any insight from Vice President Biden chart? More on that to come...