Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Neptune and the coming new spirituality

Well as promised a little discussion on Neptune and how it will affect spirituality starting in 2013.

Neptune is currently transiting through the sign of Aquarius. When Neptune moves through a sign it idealizes and can delude as well the qualities of the sign nature. So the last time Neptune was transited Aquarius starting in 1834. The year before regular communication using the electromagnetic telegraph was conducted in 1833. Aquarius is about communicating through inventive technology and globally bring humanity together. My how far we have come since then now that Neptune has been going through Aquarius beginning in 1998. It was estimated that the Internet grew by 100% per year, with a brief period of explosive growth in 1996 and 1997. (1) Now we are interconnected with Twitter, Facebook, My Space and all the social networking site. We have idealized that global connectivity to it's maximum!

Now Neptune in Pisces will bring further idealization in spirituality. Pisces has a great deal to do with the spirit and things hidden and the esoteric. The last time Neptune was in Pisces began in 1847. Spiritualists often set March 31, 1848, as the beginning of their movement. (2) Spiritualism and even Mormonism began during this time period. So we can look for further understand and idealization during this period. And perhaps a new religious movement. Many of the great gospel song were composed during the last period. And a New Age twist will no doubt be added to any understanding during the transit.

So if you are an Astrologer expect more clients!! Well more on Neptune in Pisces in the coming months.

1,2 source: Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. I thought this article was great, I was born with NEPTURE in my chart and there is definately a new consciousness of awareness about spirit arising.

    I have just posted up a new video on W.D Gann, a famoud financial trader who used the geometric sign or the law of divine nature to post incredible returns on the market during the 19th Century. see http://astrofinance1.wordpress.com/wp-login.php
